
Bubble Soccer

I played a bubble soccer last week, I'm so excited for it. It is different from the soccer, it can knock over the opposite, and you can do it fiercely. When I play it, I wear a big soft plastic ball at first, it look like that I stuck into it. Because it is heavy enough, I handle it to avoid loosing my balance, and I wear the helmet to avoid collision. Like the real soccer game, the object is to kick the ball into the opponent’s goal. Although it is playing a soccer game, but I do it like the wrestling game, Sorry My Opponent, HaHa~. I felt exhausted after the final whistle, I sweated heavily, and my legs are sore and weak but It is so much fun. 

pic from myself



1. 目前基金公司(其實就是投信公司)有元大、富蘭克林...,如果需要開基金戶,可以找銀行,也可以直接找基金公司開戶,它們都有配合的銀行,手續也較簡便。開完戶後可以向基金公司查詢目前有那幾檔基金,但不同基金公司,可以購買的基金不大相同,代理的境外基金也不一樣,網路上可以透過 境外基金資訊觀測站 查詢。決定好基金後就可以向基金公司買入,有最低購買金額,另外需加收手續費。
2. 基金投資方式可以分成單筆投資或是定期定額。單筆投資是適合對基金已經有深入了解,定期定額則可以把資金放在不同時段,減少風險,比較適合初學者。
3. 基金種類可分為股票型、指數型、債卷型、貨幣型、地產型,以我目前來講,比較適合的應該是指數型,它是根據股票的指數為目標,混合不同股票,所以和大盤走勢相近,像台灣50...,其它的可以上 Money DJ 查。

ps. 基金主要是由專業經理人代理操作,所以投資項目有些比較冷門,感覺雖然較容易上手,但是比較沒辦法深入了解投資的感覺。以我來說較適合,大概是台灣50這種,可以直接觀察實際變化,了解漲跌伏,雖然比較容易虧錢,但比較像投資。

pic from Monkey DJ


Night Flying

  This book is a novel for young adults to read.
  There is  a girl whose name is Georgia coming from a family which can fly in the sky, and her parents are all female without any man in it except for Mr. Gowen, who is the repairman hired by grandmother. The Hansen woman has a rule for flying, "No fly in the sky alone before sixteen birthday ceremony". But the girl broke the rule, she flown at night in a day that she filled full anger after she heard Carmen, her aunt, who talked to her mother in a bad attitude, but she told the truth when Grandmother asked her in the ceremony with courage, and then she known everything about her life, her family and the reason why Carmen comed back to the ceremony and what she wanted to talk to her. Finally she flown in the sky again by herself without any rule which is made by the family long time ago.
  It is best for adults to read before sleeping, and it gives a simple thought after reading.

ps. It is not hard for reading but there are lot of words and sentances writing down from the book that i should remember it all.

pic from myself




ps. 這過程真的很不簡單,真的!更何況是以銀行為出發點,挑戰原先金融體制去創造出符合社會價值的私人企業。 

pic from myself


我們身處的謊言世界(The Lie We Live)



movie from youtube


三坑 Bike Lane

Sunday, my brother asked me to ride with him. He planned to ride along the 三坑 bike lane from 三坑 old street to 三峽 old street, but the sunlight is too hot to ride under it for hours, so he make a change to ride circle around 三坑. When we ride slowly on the road, we meet many people who seem to be a bike team from 三峽, their destination may be the Nature Park in 三坑 and had a lunch there. It was comfortable when we rode under the shadow of the tree, and the wind is cool blowing when we rode along the downhill. The 三坑 Bike lane is suit for riding when autumn weather and there is a beautiful scene along the lane.

pic from myself




ps. 要來去刷一下本子看看還有多少錢可以吃飯 ~


The Thought

Don't scare to talk, althought it may be stuck when you talk to another one, but you try to say it slowly, it will be suceed when you try. It's useful to tell your feeling than giggle, it is important to tell your thought than make a joke.

Don't scare to face to face, and don't scare nothing to talk. Let the girl know you pay attention to her, Not always wait the response from another her, she also need to know how you feel, and know who you are

Don't scare to show yourself, you just don't show off, over state, you share everyone the result you live serious everyday, even a little bit, you must express it in confidence, you don't scare to hide it.

Don't scare to talk to the girl, you just need to care for the girl in heart, and try to express your emotion in reality, not artificial, not fake, just describe your feeling, you don't need to decorate and have dramatic effect.

Not enough smart, not enough handsome, not enough money, not enough humor, it doesn't matter, you just need to correct your fault step by step in confidence , you will become better than yesterday.

Keep the feeling in mind when you see the chopsticks at your 33 year old, Try to correct it, Until you’ve got to take the plunge to do something you’ve never done. Don't care the result after you try. It won't be regret after you do.

不要害怕說話,雖然會結巴,但一個字一句話一個段落慢慢的說,久了總能說出口。說出自己的感受比傻笑來的有用,說出自己的想法比開玩笑重要。 不要害怕面對面,也不要害怕沒話講。要讓人感受到被重視,不能總是等待別人的回應,對方也是需要了解你的感受,才知道你是什麼人。 不要害怕展現自己,只要不炫耀不誇大,把自己認真生活每一天的結果,與人分享,那怕是一點點,也要很自信的表達出來,不需要害怕而隠藏。 不要害怕說出來的話不夠圓融,只求發自內心的關懷別人,和試著表達出自己最真實的感受,不做作,不矯情,只要誠實的描述,不需要裝飾,不需要效果。 不夠聰明,不夠帥,不夠錢,不夠幽默都沒關係,只要有自信一步步修正自己的缺點,都會比昨天的自己更好。 看到這把筷子時,時時提醒你這些事在你33歲時,試著修正它直到你鼓起勇氣去做你不曾做過的事,嘗試後就不要管結果是什麼,總比你不曾去做來的更好。



Today i practice a melody which is "canon" with Ukulele, but every note is not smooth and long enough when playing it, especially for ring finger when four finger play together, it sometimes stop a while and then move on. I hope it can make some result within one month, and when it happen, there is a excuse to change another new ukulele, haha~

from myself


The Scorch Trail

Today I go to see a move "The Scorch Trail" in Miramar with friend.This movie is funny,
Its look like an action, but there are many "crazy man"run through in it, its
almos like a horrible move. But it is really exiting and tense. And the
character is set as original. They run all the time in desert, building, and the
base.I hope to seethe third episode as soon as possible.


pic from http://cdn.unwire.hk/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/11700655_885497461533028_5924336676915915459_o.jpg